The scenery is an endless waste of brown rocks, valleys in ochre, eroded wadis
sprinkled with bushes, monolithic mountains marking the horizon. Most of the
existing roads have been imposed upon this landscape in the last two
generations. When we conducted our first explorations in Sinai, in the mid
twentieth century, archaeologists in this area did not have the use of any
means of transport other than their own legs, and occasionally, when they were
lucky, camels. Millenary footsteps are revealed by patinated trails heading in
all directions. Years after our early fieldwork we came back to this area, in
1980, to carry on an archaeological survey which is still in progress.
Travelling through the harsh land of the
Sinai Peninsula and the Negev Desert, hominids arrived in Asia from Africa over
one million years ago. In the following ages, the Sinai and the northern Negev
became an enduring passageway between Africa and Asia for clans and tribes of
migrating peoples. Groups of homo sapiens crossed this region from
Africa to the Near East for over 40,000 years, and various prehistoric,
proto-historic, and historic peoples followed in the ensuing millennia.
Stories and myths remain as the vestiges of
these human migrations and transitions. Oral and written records preserve the
movements of some groups, like the frequent military expeditions of the
Egyptian pharaohs into the land of Canaan, the Asiatic Hyksos who dominated
Egypt in the seventeenth century BC, or the Muslim pilgrims who still cross this
territory from Africa to reach Mecca. Among these stories is the biblical
narration of the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who reached Egypt from
Mesopotamia and Canaan. Another of these biblical stories is the epic of
Exodus, according to which the children of Israel crossed the Sinai and the
Negev in their flight from Egypt and passage to the "Promised Land." In this
territory for the last twenty years an Italian archaeological expedition has
carried out a study of a desert mountain: Har Karkom.