BK/500Coordinates: 121.2/973.3
Description: Remains of a hamlet used in 2 different periods. On the upper
terrace, there are 2 courtyard structures of the BAC period, on the
lower terrace, 5 oval structures in a better state of preservation;
they are from a later period (probably RBY).
Periods MC: BAC, RBY.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
BK/500aCoordinates: 121.2/973.2
Description: 1 courtyard structure on the upper terrace of the wadi.
Finds: Flint BAC.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/500bCoordinates: 121.2/973.3
Description: On the wadi's terrace, west of site BK/571, 5 bases of dwelling
Finds: Pottery BYZ.
Periods MC: BYZ.
Site typology:
BK/500cCoordinates: 121.0/973.3
Description: In a widening of the terrace, south of the wadi, remains of oval,
round and courtyard structures were found. 4 of the structures are
on 1 side and there are 3 on the other. In the center of the site in
what appears to be some sort of common ground, there is a
standing monolith of natural shape with a sort of a monstrous
face. High up along the terrace, remains of terraced-fields, the
same type as site BK/502 b. They are interrupted by the erosional
wall of the wadi (2.5 m.).
Finds: Pottery RBY, ISL.
Periods MC: RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
BK/500 dCoordinates: 121.0/973.4
Description: Remains of agricultural terracing in a shallow area of the wadi.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/500 eCoordinates: 121.2/ 973.2
Description: Remains of a stone-built enclosure and stone circle on a slight
Site typology:
BK/500 fCoordinates: 121.3/973.2
Description: Remains of agricultural terracing and artificial hole, probably a
clay quarry.
Site typology:
BK/501a-bCoordinates: 121.5/973.3
Description: On the 2 sides of the wadi, there are 2 groups of oval structures at
a short distance 3 from each other, 1 with 7 structures in a row,
the other with 2 large structures, each of which has a smaller one
beside it and 3 additional structures 60 m. west.
Periods MC: BAC, RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320; EA87, p.189.
BK/501 cCoordinates: 121.6/973.4
Structures : Next to an ancient clay quarry, there are several round structures,
1 larger than the others. The clay quarry contains clots of native
iron. It might be one reason for its exploitation. Presumably, the
materials have been used to produce pottery as well.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/501 dCoordinates: 121.6/973.3
Description: On the slope there are some oval courtyard structures together
making a large circle, probably a plaza site. The presence of
numerous flint mallets indicates the performance of some sort of
artisanship. In the wadi valley, at the foot of the site there are
later remains (RBY?). In front of the site itself, on the other side
of the wadi there are areas of clay with evident traces of the
exploitation of a quarry.
Finds: Flints (LP), with biface (LP); pottery and a fragment of a
grindstone (BAC).
Dimensions: Structures 2.20 x 1.70 m..
Site typology:
Periods MC: LP, MP, BAC.
BK/501 eCoordinates: 121.7/973.2
Description: On the terrace of a small lateral wadi, remains of stone
enclosures likely forming a courtyard site. 5 structures are
aligned on the terrace above and about 50 m. further north,
remains of a rectangular structure in a better state of
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/502Coordinates: 122.3/973.7
Description: Along the wadi terrace there are the remains of 10 stone dwelling
units. 1 of them appears to have been reused more recently.
Nearby, a few other heaps of stone.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: BAC, RBY, ISL.
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
Site typology:
BK/502 bCoordinates: 122.4/973.7
Structure: Remains of a rectangular structure and some heaps of stone.
Finds: Flints (PSU and BAC); Pottery (Iron Age and RBY); Flint tools
include mallets (BAC).
Periods MC: UP, BAC, IA, RBY.
Site typology:
BK/503Coordinates: 124.3/974.8
Description: A circular structure and several tumuli on a terrace at the corner
of a wadi. Several rock shelters, 1 of which has an enclosing
wall. A tumulus at the peak of the hill. On the opposite bank of
the wadi, an enclosure for livestock. Next to it, the remains of a
Bedouin camp. A small rock shelter with traces of coal and
Finds: Pottery RBY.
Periods MC: RBY.
Rock Art: 1 engraved rock, with 2 quadrupeds and several signs.
Periods RA: VI.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
BK/504Coordinates: 121.8/970.8
Description: 2 large enclosures; in the middle of each one there is a tumulus.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
BK/504bCoordinates: 121.7/970.8
Description: 2 small stone circles (diam. 1.2 m. for 1, 1.5 m. for the other). In
the middle of each circle is a big stone. 1 of them has fallen
over, the other is still standing.
Finds: In 1 of the 2 circles a fan scraper was collected.
Periods MC: MP, BAC.
Site typology:
BK/504cCoordinates: 121.7/970.9
Description: Remains of walls on the terrace of the wadi. Bedouin
Periods MC: UP, ISL.
Site typology:
BK/505Coordinates: 121.8/970.6
Description: Bases of 5 oval-shaped dwelling stone structures and several
heaps of stones. 1 of the structures was reutilized at a later date.
On the opposite side of the wadi is 1 isolated dwelling structure
of the same type. Remains of a Bedouin camp are found nearby.
Finds: Flint and pottery.
Periods MC: BAC, RBY, ISL.
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
Site typology:
BK/506aCoordinates: 121.6/970.2
Description: Settlement on 2 terraces of the wadi. On the upper terrace, 2
large stone circles surrounded by several minor structures, tumuli
and low walls. On the lower terrace, remains of a small village
with 9 rectangular structures on 1 bank and 3 on the other. In all,
there are 14 dwelling structures that appear to have been
reutilized at various periods. This large site was subdivided into 5
A. Village with 9 dwellings on the northern terrace of the wadi. 3
phases can be distinguished: circular BAC huts, RBY rectangular
structures and reconstructions, ISL tombs.
B. The area of the 2 large stone circles on the upper terrace, where
all the constructions date to the BAC period.
C. Flint workshop on the hill northwest of the settlement. Large
concentration of BAC flints over an area of 20x12 m..
D. The group of structures on the southern terrace of the wadi. 3
phases: Circular BAC huts, rectangular RBY structure, ISL
E. Hilltop to the west of the settlement, where abundant BAC flints
were found. Also abundant LP flints and bifaces; some of these
are very big hand-axes. Periods: LP, BAC.
F. Inside the wadi northwest of the settlement, remains of quarries
with evidence of artificial excavation and BAC flints were found.
Several flint tools with unusual characteristics must have served
for the excavations of the mine, which contains clay, and large
lumps of ochre in brilliant reds, yellows, oranges, and browns
and blue-violets.
Finds: Abundant flints and pottery plant sample.
Periods MC: LP, BAC, RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320; EA87, pp.112, 113 & 216; EA93a, p. 38.
BK/506bCoordinates: 121.6/970.4
Description: On a small hill between 2 wadis, a large concentration of upper
Palaeolithic fine flint tools with whitish patina. A few MP flints
with darker patina.
Finds: Flints.
Periods MC: MP, UP (Gravettian).
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA97b, p. 20.
BK/507aCoordinates: 121.1/970.2
Description: 3 groups of enclosures for livestock and 3 dwelling structures on
both sides of the wadi.
507a (121.1/970.2) is a courtyard structure of BAC type. Flints
inched a fan scraper.
507b (121.2/970.2) and 507c (121.3/970.1) have Byzantine and
Islamic pottery. Heaps of stones indicate the location of tombs.
Finds: Flints and pottery.
Periods MC: BAC, RBY, ISL.
Site typology: Courtyard.
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320; EA87, pp. 112 & 114.
507bCoordinates: 121.2/970.2
Description: Enclosure for livestock and dwelling structure. Has Byzantine
and Islamic pottery. Heaps of stones indicate the location of
Finds: Flints and pottery.
Periods MC: RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
507cCoordinates: 121.3/970.1
Description: Enclosure for livestock and dwelling structure. Has Byzantine
and Islamic pottery. Heaps of stones indicate the location of
Finds: Flints and pottery.
Periods MC: RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
BK/508a-bCoordinates: 121.3/970.9
Description: One BAC tumulus and 5 older heaps of stones. This site is
located on 2 small adjacent hills on the slopes of the mountain.
Large quantities of flint implements are spread all over. The
heaps are likely to be the remains of an Upper Palaeolithic
Periods MC: MP, UP, BAC.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA86, p. 320.
BK/509Coordinates: 123.6/973.7
Description: 18 tumuli, 2 of which are much larger than the others. This may
well be a Byzantine cemetery, probably the cemetery of site
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/510Coordinates: 123.5/973.2
Description: 2 isolated standing rocks in a small lateral steep valley. 1 is
almost cubical; the other is vertical and slim and has a naturally
anthropomorphic shape. A path leads to the rocks and ends in a
small open area in front of them.
Site typology:
BK/511Coordinates: 122.2/971.9
Description: A plaza circle formed of 18 circular heaps of stones.
Finds: Abundant archaic BAC flints, of a Chalcolithic tradition.
Periods MC: BAC, MEP.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA87, pp. 29, 30 & 193.
BK/511bCoordinates: 122.2/971.9
Description: On a superior terrace in front of site BK/511, to the SW, heaps of
stones and a flint industry rich in cores UP (?).
Periods MC: MP, UP, BAC.
Site typology:
BK/511cCoordinates: 122.2/971.9
Finds: Isolated biface near site BK/511 b.
Periods MC: LEP.
Site typology:
BK/512aCoordinates: 121.5/971.8
Description: Courtyard stone structure, 2 circular structures and an engraved
Periods MC: MP, UP, BAC.
Periods RA: IV/A.
Site typology:
BK/512b Coordinates: 121.5/971.8
Description: Nomadic campsite, probably BAC.
Periods MC: BAC?.
Site typology:
BK/513aCoordinates: 123.3/970.3
Description: Around a large boulder which had fallen from the mountain, a
few piles and alignments of stones were arranged. North of the
boulder about 10 stones form a row aligned with the boulder
itself and with Har Karkom about 2km away, which stands in the
background. Continuing this alignment toward Har Karkom,
about 60 m. from the boulder are the remains of a circular paved
platform, diameter 9 m.. Next to the boulder eastward, are the
remains of a flint workshop with cores and flakes in situ. A few
BAC retouched blades and scrapers. Westward, 30 m. from the
boulder a cavity opens into the rock face.
Finds: Abundant flints.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/513bCoordinates: 123.0/970.6
Description: Heaps of stones and flint flakes. Perhaps remains of an ancient
Site typology:
BK/514Coordinates: 123.0/970.8
Description: In a small lateral valley about 10 piles of stones, of which 2 are
bigger than the others. They are probably remains of a temporary
Site typology:
BK/515aCoordinates: 123.3/973.7
Description: A plaza circle of at least 11 circular structures, of which only 2
are well preserved on the slope of the hamada. 3 of them are
large enough to have served as dwelling units. It is located at the
center of the saddle separating Beer Karkom from site BK/407, 1
point of the last stretch from which one sees the mountain of Har
Karkom in the background to the southeast.
Finds: Flint implements and numerous hammering tools.
Periods MC: MP, BAC.
Rock Art: 1 white engraved stone (Bedouin?).
Periods RA: VII.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA87, pp. 29, 30 & 199.
BK/515bCoordinates: 123.3/973.6
Description: On a hill, southeast of the plaza, signs of encampment (stone
circles) and designs made with small stones (pebble drawings).
Workshop with many cores and hammering tools. Large cores in
the middle of the stone structures. Some flints show chipping due
to fire.
Finds: Flints; Natural iron nodules.
Periods MC: LP, BAC.
Rock art: 1 white engraved rock.
Periods RA: IV-C,VI.
Site typology:
BK/515cCoordinates: 123.2/973.7
Description: 1 oval habitation structure made of stones, and several secondary
structures around, with Byzantine pottery.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/515dCoordinates: 123.3/973.8
Description: 2 stone structures surrounded by several smaller ones.
Site typology:
BK/516Coordinates: 122.2/972.4
Description: 3 stone enclosures at a distance of 65-70 m. from one another
along a well-marked ancient trail following the occidental terrace
of a small wadi.
Site typology:
BK/517Coordinates: 121.6/972.4
Description: A structure with courtyard and remains of low walls in a promi-
nent location, on a spur of the mountain.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/518Coordinates: 121.3/972.5
Description: A small complex of walls with a courtyard structure.
Periods MC: BAC?.
Site typology:
BK/519Coordinates: 121.5/972.6
Description: On the top of a mountain, 7-8 hut floors, organized in a circle.
Site typology:
BK/520Coordinates: 122.3/972.8
Description: Circle of about 10 small heaps of stones in a prominent position.
Site typology:
BK/521Coordinates: 121.6/972.3
Description: Remains of a much-trampled trail. A few piles of stones at the
side of the trail.
Site typology:
BK/522Coordinates: 122.3/972.0
Description: A large "S" shaped wall, with a few additional walls and struc-
tures around it. Probably originally a group of animal enclosures.
Site typology:
BK/523Coordinates: 121.7/971.8
Description: One rectangular and 1 oval structure, probably RBY.
Periods MC: RBY?.
Site typology:
BK/524Coordinates: 122.3/971.9
Description: 2 rectangular structures on the terrace of the wadi and a few piles
of stones.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/525Coordinates: 120.8/971.3
Description: Group of three hut floors and some smaller cleaned surfaces.
Finds: Gravettian flints.
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology: Campsite.
BK/526Coordinates: 120.7/971.4
Description: Remains of a large campsite with 18 hut floors.
Finds: Gravettian flints: two endscrapers with steep retouch, one burin
and a puncher.
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology: Campsite.
BK/527Coordinates: 120.6/971.5
Description: Remains of 9 hut floors and minor stone structures. An orthostat.
Finds: Flints from a final Gravettian, among them some button end-
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology: Campsite, orthostat.
BK/528Coordinates: 120.4/971.7
Description: Remains of two hut floors and some other areas cleared of stones.
Stone structures, among them a wall, 10 m long and 2 m wide and
several tumuli. At the centre of one tumulus there is an orthostat,
still standing.
Finds: Flints of late UP (Gravettian). A hammerstone.
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology: Campsite, orthostat, tumuli.
BK/529aCoordinates: 120.4/971.8
Description: Remains of 17 hut floors.
Finds: Flints of an early Gravettian phase: end-scrapers on flake, end
scrapers and points with steep retouch, burins, denticulated
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology: Campsite.
BK/529bCoordinates: 120.4/972.1
Description: Surface cleared oval areas indicate hut floors; two squared pole
holes and a third one, round.
Finds: Abundant Iron Age pottery sherds.
Periods MC: IA.
Site typology: Encampment
BK/529cCoordinates: 120.4/972.2
Description: On the top of a hill, about 100 m West of site BK/529b, a tumulus
with diameter 6x4 m. In the surroundings some areas cleared of
Finds: Flint flakes.
Periods MC: UP, BAC.
Site typology: Tumulus.
BK/529dCoordinates: 120.4/972.3
Description: Remains of three hut floors about 100 m NW of BK/529c. Inside a
hut floor a stone structure with a fallen orthostat.
Finds: Scarce flints.
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology: Campsite, orthostat.
BK/530aCoordinates: 120.2/972.3
Description: Surface cleared round shaped areas indicate a temporary
encampment. Two tumuli and a stone semi-circle.
Finds: No material culture found.
Periods MC:
Site typology: Encampment, stone circle, tumuli.
BK/530bCoordinates: 120.1/972.2
Description: Surface cleared areas indicate a temporary encampment. A stone
Finds: No material culture found.
Periods MC:
Site typology: Encampment, stone circle.
BK/531Coordinates: 120.7/972.6
Description: Remains of 2 large stone-built animal enclosures.
Site typology:
BK/532aCoordinates: 121.9/973.5
Description: 3 large animal enclosures, 1 base of stone-built living structure
and several hut floors, on both sides of the wadi at the junction of
3 ancient trails.
Site typology:
BK/532bCoordinates: 122.3/973.6
Description: Remains of agricultural terracing interrupted by the erosion wall
of the wadi bed. When utilized, they occupied a wadi-bed about 1
m. higher than its present level. The construction is unique and
consists of 3 stone rows. The architecture is similar to the
courtyard site in its immediate vicinity.
Finds: Flints.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/533Coordinates: 120.8/974.0
Description: Large stone circle.
Site typology:
BK/534Coordinates: 120.8/974.3
Description: Several heaps of stones along a beaten trail.
Site typology:
BK/535Coordinates: 120.9/974.4
Description: Remains of agricultural terracing and a Bedouin cemetery.
Site typology:
BK/536Coordinates: 120.9/ 974.5
Description: Plaza site with 12 stone structures, 1 has a habitation room.
Several stone barrows around the plaza. An alignment of stones
constituting a step could distinguish between the outside and
inside of the plaza.
Finds: Flints.
Periods MC: BAC, UP.
Site typology:
Bibliography: EA87, p. 205.
BK/537Coordinates: 120.5/974.5
Description: 3 structures, 1 of them oval and 2 of them rectangular. 2 small
barrows, (probably tombs). Agricultural terracing.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/538Coordinates: 120.6/974.5
Description: 6 heaps of stones in a row.
Site typology:
BK/538bCoordinates: 120.7/974.6
Site typology:
BK/538 cCoordinates: 120.9/974.5
Description: Nomadic encampment on the gravel-bed of the wadi and several
rectangular stone structures.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/539aCoordinates: 121.0/974.6
Description: Courtyard structures (BAC) and, 20 m. away, there are 6 smaller
structures. It is almost completely formed by big siliceous bulbs
in ovoid form, also remains of a third smaller structure with an
oval wall.
Finds: Flint flakes and some tools of very poor quality.
Periods MC: BAC?.
Site typology:
BK/539bCoordinates: 121.1/974.5
Description: Remains of agricultural terraces and a long row of stones which
was probably used as a canal for the collection of water.
Site typology:
BK/540Coordinates: 120.9/974.7
Description: 4 stone-built oval structures in a row.
Site typology:
BK/541Coordinates: 120.7/974.9
Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment with at least 5 hut floors and
2 stone barrows, alignments of stones.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/542Coordinates: 121.2/974.8
Description: At least 5 hut floors.
Site typology:
BK/543Coordinates: 121.3/974.8
Description: A stone-built animal enclosure.
Site typology:
BK/544Coordinates: 121.3/975,3
Description: Remains of 3 stone-built structures. The central one is larger and
almost rectangular; the other 2 are oval.
Site typology:
BK/545Coordinates: 121.3/975,4
Description: Remains of 5 small heaps of stones forming a semicircle.
Site typology:
BK/546Coordinates: 121.1/ 975.5
Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment with 4 stone barrows,
probably tombs, there is about 10 m. from barrow to barrow and
they form the corners of a rectangle.
Finds: Pottery, Atypical worked flints.
Periods MC: BAC, RBY.
Site typology:
BK/547Coordinates: 121.5/975.6
Description: 5 small stone barrows forming a circle.
Finds: Flints.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/547 bCoordinates: 121.6/975.6
Description: Small oval barrows of about 1.20 m. x 1.60 m., 15 m. to the
south there is a stone circle. Some other small round and oval
barrows are scattered about. The site looks like a large graveyard.
Site typology:
BK/548aCoordinates: 121.4/ 975.7
Description: On a low hill there is a long barrow in tang form, surrounded by
a stone circle. At the foot of the hill, to the south there are
remains of agricultural terracing.
Site typology:
BK/548bCoordinates: 121.5/975.7
Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment and some Bedouin tombs.
Finds: Pottery, Flints.
Periods MC: BAC, RBY.
Site typology:
BK/ 549aCoordinates: 120.2/977.4
Description: Remains of a living place with round structures (RBY) near the
traces of a Bedouin camp. On the other side of a small wadi,
there is a rock shelter, with evidence of recent utilization. Some
of the structures show a stage of remaking, possibly Islamic.
Each dwelling unit has 1 or 2 pillars inside or near the entrance.
The rich vegetation suggests the presence of water at a slight
depth. Description of pillars from the north, southward: The first
2 round huts have pillars on the south side.
HUT 1:An anthropomorphic pillar apparently modeled at the top
HUT 2: A fallen pillar, in a corner there is a standing stone with
strange shapes, held upright by small stones.
HUT 3:An anthropomorphic pillar on its south
HUT 4:A fallen pillar on its north side.
HUT 5:A pillar just inside the entrance.
HUT 6:2 small pillars at the entrance facing South.
HUT 7:2 pillars at the sides of the entrance facing south.
HUT 8:There is a raised rectangular area inside the hut. In front
of it there are 4 standing pillars. A smaller fifth one was probably
added at a later date.
HUT 9: A standing pillar inside the wall with remains of a built
stone step in front. On the other side there is a smaller pillar. All
of these pillars have strange anthropomorphic natural forms
partly reshaped by man. None of the pillars have been fully
modeled by man except 1 in HUT 3.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
BK/549bCoordinates: 120.3/977.3
Description: 50 m. east of site BK/549, along the wadi, a pillar, a flat stone,
and an anthropomorphic-shaped stone were recovered. 10 m.
south, there is a rectangular structure with 6 nearly vertical
pillars inside. The site seems to have been intentionally arranged
as a sort of stage for some performance.
Site typology:
BK/549 cCoordinates: 120.4/977.3
Description: An oval dwelling unit on the terrace at the bend of the wadi. The
same type as site BK/549b.
Finds: Grindstone made of gray-pink granite from southern Sinai;
Pottery Roman.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/550Coordinates: 120.5/977.8
Description: 500 m. of agricultural terracing at the juncture of 2 trails.
Site typology:
BK/551Coordinates: 120.0/978,0
Description: Agricultural terracing.
Site typology:
BK/551bCoordinates: 120.2/978.0
Description: Remains of nomadic camps.
Finds: Islamic Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
BK/552Coordinates: 120.2/978,4
Description: Remains of a stone circle ( 7x6 m. ) with standing stone. It looks
like a ceremonial structure. No material culture.
Site typology:
BK/552bCoordinates: 120.2/978.3
Description: Remains of nomads camp and agricultural terraces.
Anthropomorphic stele of natural shape partly completed by
human hands.
Site typology:
BK/553aCoordinates: 120.2/978,8
Description: Remains of 2 small stone-built dwelling units and a stone circle.
Site typology:
BK/553bCoordinates: 120.3/978,6
Description: Remains of several structures and heaps of stones. A private
shrine?, 2 parallel alignments of stones (ca. 12 m.) with a
standing stone in the middle. No pottery.
Site typology:
BK/554Coordinates: 120.7/977.4
Description: Remains of agricultural terracing on the wadi's terrace. Remains
of a vertical well (Roman or later) with an anthropomorphic-
shaped stone and concentration of vegetation nearby including an
acacia tree and a circle of standing stones some of which have
fallen. 3 hut floors.
Finds: Worked flints; Pottery.
Site typology:
BK/555Coordinates: 120.2/976.3
Description: Remains of an enclosure and 1 small stone-built structure.
Site typology:
BK/556Coordinates: 120.5/975,6
Description: 4 stone-built structures.
Site typology:
BK/556 bCoordinates: 120.7/975.6
Description: Stone structure and hut remains.
Finds: Flint.
Site typology:
BK/557Coordinates: 120.6/974.7
Description: 2 large stone-built dwelling units and a few heaps of stones
nearby. A stone-built wall connects the 2 dwelling units, about 10
m. long which is likely to have been part of an enclosure for
Site typology:
BK/558Coordinates: 120.4/974.6
Description: 7 hut floors forming a circle.
Site typology:
BK/559Coordinates: 120.3/974.4
Description: Nomadic encampment and remains of a village with stone bases
of structures built next to one another, between the wadi-bed and
a secondary wadi. On a higher terrace, there is a courtyard and
several heaps of stone with flint and pottery (IA) from the Iron
Age. Around the site grows wild wheat and oats, possibly
remaining from past villages. In the wadi below large bushes
grow indicating water at slight depths. Half of a structure has
been washed away by the wadi, signifying strong erosive activity
after utilization of the site.
Finds: Pottery; Flint.
Site typology:
BK/560Coordinates: 121.6/974.7
Description: Atelier for flint production.
Finds: 3 cores and numerous flint flakes.
Periods MC: UP.
Site typology:
BK/561Coordinates: 121.4/975.4
Description: On a hill a group of tumuli, presumably a necropolis. The tumuli
are upset and probably they have been excavated by Bedouins.
Finds: Flints.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/562Coordinates: 120.7/ 975.2
Description: Nomadic encampment with remains of 8 basements of stone
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: RBY.
Site typology:
BK/ 563Coordinates: 120.9/975.1
Description: Large barrow surrounded by 5 smaller heaps of stones. No
material culture has been found despite intense search.
Site typology:
BK/564Coordinates: 121.3/974.4
Description: A naturally anthropomorphic-shaped stone emerges from the
slope. Man has completed the nose and 1 of the eyes. A flint core
is several meters below. 15 m. away, a fallen boulder boasts
hammer marks on 1 side.
Site typology:
BK/565Coordinates: 121.3/974.6
Description: Between 2 wadi there are stone barrows and an alignment of
Site typology:
BK/566Coordinates: 121.4/976.7
Description: Barrows of stones along the side of a path. The barrow covers a
cyst-grave that was found open.
Finds: Flint.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
BK/567Coordinates: 121.3/976.9
Description: A stone circle with 3 monoliths in the middle. 1 is still erect and
the other 2 have fallen. The standing monolith has a modeled top
and traces of faint engravings. The engravings include 2 ibexes
and an anthropomorphic figure.
Finds: Numerous flints; Some flakiness appear to be rather recent.
Periods RA: III.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 120.8/977.3
Description: On the wadi terrace in front of a landslide there is a standing
pillar; in front of it lies a large stone.
Finds: Islamic pottery, 3 BAC and other flint implements having
Holocene patina.
Periods MC: BAC, ISL.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 120.6/977.6
Description: Barrow and recently added windbreak walls.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 128.8/977.7
Description: Remains of a nomadic camp with grindstone.
Finds: Islamic and RBY Pottery. UP flint tools.
Periods MC: UP, RBY, ISL.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 120.4/977.4
Description: Group of standing stone pillars that have all fallen in the same
direction, 5 of them have been erected and given a prominent
position, 2 of them with uncertain position are on the ground. In
the same group is an anthropomorphic-shaped stone.
Coordinates: 121.8/976.6
Description: Large barrow on the top of a hill, east of the wadi Bereka,
constructed with black and white stones.
Finds: Natural monstrous-shaped rock 100 m. north of site BK/571.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 122.6/973.6
Description: A stone enclosure.
Finds: Pottery.
Coordinates: 120.4/970.9
Description: Remains of nomadic campsite with fireplace.
Site typology: Encampment.
Coordinates: 120.4/971.2
Description: 3 hut floors: 1 big and 2small, 1 of which with 3 stone circles,
vertical orthostats and 1 heap of stones reused twice. Probably 2
different periods.
Finds: Flints: Karkomian or Aurignacian, 2 implements are retouched in
BAC technique.
Periods MC: UP (beginning of), BAC.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 120.5/971.3
Description: On 2 hill tops, at the distance of 150 m, 2 tumuli.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 121.3/970.6
Description: Upper Palaeolithic flint working station.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 121.1/971.8
Coordinates: 121.0/971.9
Coordinates: 121.2/971.8
Coordinates: 121.1/971.7
Coordinates: 121.0/971.5
Coordinates: 121.1/971.4
Coordinates: 126.3/971.0
Rock Art: BK/583a: 3 engraved rocks; BK/583b: 1 wassum engraved rock.
Periods RA: IV/C, VI.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 126.4/970.9
Rock Art: 1 engraved rock.
Periods RA: IV/C.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 126,510/970,920
Description: One engraved rock.
Finds: Flints and pottery.
Periods MC: BAC, ISL
Rock Art: One engraved rock.
Periods RA: IV-A, IV-C.
Site typology: Rock art.
Coordinates: 126.3/970.8
Description: On a slope of a wadi, a cave and an enclosure in front of it. Rich
vegetation indicates the presence of water in the wadi below.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 126.5/970.7
Rock Art: Engraved rocks towards the edge of the mountain chain.
Periods RA: V.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 126.4/971.0
Description: 3 hut floors.
Periods MC: MEP.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 121.3/971.9
Description: Large station with about 12 stone structures with BAC flint
implements and pottery.
Finds: Pottery, flints.
Periods MC: BAC.
Site typology:
Coordinates: 121.3/971.7
Description: Above the trail, on the edge of a hill, a stone structure of 2 small
circles and a large stone with natural groves which look like an
Site typology: Shrine.
Coordinates: 121.5/972.0
Description: A campsite along the trail. Iron Age pottery.
Finds: Pottery.
Periods MC: IA.
Site typology: Encampment.