Mount Sinai has been found: 20 years of Biblical Archaeology in the desert of Exodus. The real Mount Sinai has been found by Prof. Emmanuel Anati at Har Karkom.
Emmanuel Anati:
Gordon Franz:

The only mountain known in the Sinai Peninsula displaying so much archaeological evidence

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Mount Sinai has been found.



Coordinates: 124.3/978.3 Description: 3 round dwelling units each 10 m. in diameter. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124,100 / 978,00 Description: Paved platform (diameter m 2.5) on the top of a hill. Finds: No material culture found. Site typology: Platform.


Coordinates: 124.5/977.8 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing in the bed of the wadi and an encampment. Periods MC: RBY?.


Coordinates: 124,330 / 977,910 Description: Encampment remains and heaps of stones. Finds: No material culture found. Site typology: Encampment, heaps of stones.


Coordinates: 124.7/977.6 Description: On the southeast bank of the wadi, remains of an encampment with 4 oval dwelling units and a stone enclosure. On the southwest bank an irregular structure that was perhaps used as a pen. Periods MC: RBY, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.5/977.7 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.4/977.4 Description: Remains of a wall in the bed of the river perhaps functioned as a dike. 2 oval stone dwelling units. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 124.7/977.3 Description: Terraced fields in the bed of the wadi, remains of a nomadic encampment. A rectangular stone structure. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 124.9/977.3 Description: On the hilltop, remains of an encampment (PAL?). Vestiges of a pond evidenced by a sunken area with a sandy bottom measuring 30x15 m. into which flow some dry rivulets.


Coordinates: 124.5/977.1 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 124.8/977.1 Description: Agricultural terracing in the bed of the wadi and along the northwest bank a circle of stones. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 124.9/976.8 Description: Courtyard structure (BAC). Periods MC: BAC.


Coordinates: 125.3/977.6 Description: Remains of a bivouac. Periods MC: ISL?.


Coordinates: 125.5/978.4 Description: On a pentagon-shaped plateau, stones have been removed from the surface leaving cleared strips from each angle. The maximum length of the pentagon is about 160 m. and on 4 of angles there are dwelling structures (PAL?).


Coordinates: 125.2/979.2 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 125.8/979.8 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing 240 m. along the wadi.

BK/713 b

Coordinates: 125.8/979.7 Description: Several heaps of stones. Finds: Pottery (BYZ), Flint (MP), (UP). Periods MC: BYZ, MP, UP.


Coordinates: 125.9/979.9 Description: Along a trail there are remains of a nomadic encampment. Agricultural terracing. Finds: Pottery (ISL). Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 126.4/979.3 Description: Some heaps of stones and small standing stones scattered around.


Coordinates: 126.4/979.4 Description: 2 small tumuli and a group of small standing stones erect in a circle.

BK/715 c

Coordinates: 126.3/979.6 Description: Group of 8 standing stones arranged in a circle , some broken and concave on top, all oriented toward the valley.

BK/715 d

Coordinates: 126.2/979.5 Description: Group of 4 small standing stones, fallen and broken.


Coordinates: 126.4/978.9 Description: On the top of the highground remains of hut floors. Periods MC: PAL?.


Coordinates: 126.4/978.9 Description: On the top of the highground, remains of 3 hut floors (PAL). Periods MC: PAL.


Coordinates: 126.2/978.8 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing in the bed of the wadi. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 126.3/978.6 Description: Remains of a rectangular stone enclosure beside an oval structure. The rectangular structure contains 4 heaps of stone.


Coordinates: 126.4/978.5 Description: Alignments of stone and 7 small piles of stone forming a semicircle. In the bed of a contiguous wadi, remains of agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 126.6/978.5 Description: Remains of round dwelling structures and agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 126.6/978.4 Description: Remains of a stone structure on the north edge of the wadi.


Coordinates: 126.7/978.4 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 126.6/978.2 Description: On the top of the highground, remains of 6 dwelling units (PAL) aligned east-west. Periods MC: PAL?


Coordinates: 126.8/978.1 Description: Remains of at least 4 round stone structures.


Coordinates: 126.6/977.4 Description: Aligned stones forming a sort of zigzag. The length of each segment varies between 12 and 18 m., total length is 35 m.


Coordinates: 126.2/976.4 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing and of a nomadic encampment. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 127.5/976.4 Description: Remains of 2 small round stone structures along the side of the lateral wadi.


Coordinates: 127.8/976.8 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing . Some of the small walls have been repaired recently. Periods MC: RBY, ISL.


Coordinates: 127.7/977.7 Description: Remains of hut floors (PAL) on the north side of the trail. Periods MC: PAL.


Coordinates: 127.5/978.3 Description: Remains of hut floors (PAL) on the east side of the trail. Periods MC: PAL.


Coordinates: 127.7/978.7 Description: A row of small rock shelters along the side of the mountain with a beaten path leading to 1 of them.


Coordinates: 127.3/979.2 Description: A stone enclosure in proximity of small rock shelters.


Coordinates: 127.4/979.4 Description: Several small rock shelters and a path leading to them.


Coordinates: 127.6/979.2 Description: Small rock shelter, the largest has earth in front of it, perhaps it was cleaned.


Coordinates: 127.7/979.4 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment and a stone enclosure.


Coordinates: 127.9/977.3 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment and a stone enclosure.


Coordinates: 128.2/979.2 Description: Agricultural terracing in the bed of the wadi.


Coordinates: 128.4/978.9 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment.


Coordinates: 128.2/978.8 Description: Agricultural terracing in the bed of the wadi. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 128.6/977.9 Description: Remains of a series of small walls, may be vestiges of aligned structures. South, at least 4 smaller structures. In the proximity of these structures are several small rock shelters and the remains of a pen constructed with large fallen boulders and additional walls. Periods MC: RBY. BK/742 Coordinates: 128.6/977.7 Description: Agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 128.2/977.6 Description: Agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 128.6/976.6 Description: Traces of excavation and several piles of stone, perhaps a Bedouin cemetery. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 128.4/976.5 Description: Agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 129.7/977.3 Description: 2 heaps of stone and several others along the trail.


Coordinates: 129.5/977.7 Description: Alignments of stone at the foot of a landslide and a nomadic encampment. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 129.6/977.9 Description: Heaps of stone and remains of a nomadic encampment. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 129.5/978.7 Description: Circular structure in close proximity to stone heaps.


Coordinates: 129.2/978.5 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 120.7/976.8 Description: Remains of 6 circular dwelling units along a lateral wadi.


Coordinates: 121.3/977.6 Description: A pastoral station with few bases of structures and the use of several caves. Further North another circular structure. Further up in the wadi an agricultural terracing. The site seems likely to be originally BAC. It has been reused in RBY and ISL. Finds: BAC flints, Islamic pottery. Periods MC: BAC, RBY, ISL.


Coordinates: 120.7/978.9 Description: Agricultural terracing and remains of a nomadic encampment ( ISL). Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 120.4/979.8 Description: Remains of 3 stone circular dwelling units and other smaller adjacent structures of Roman-Byzantine period. Nearby remains of Bedouins Camp (Islamic). Periods MC: RBY, ISL.


Coordinates: 121.5/979.9 Description: Agricultural terracing and remains of a stone oval structure.


Coordinates: 121.6/979.3 Description: Agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 122.0/979.2 Description: Agricultural terracing and the remains of a nomadic encampment.


Coordinates: 122.0/979.8 Description: Agricultural terracing. Nomadic encampment (ISL). Some burials under heaps of stones. Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 122.6/979.4 Description: Agricultural terracing and the remains of a nomadic encampment. Several walls look older. No material culture found in complex. Periods MC: No MC found in complex.


Coordinates: 122.8/978.8 Description: Agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 122.9/978.8 Description: Agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 123,60 / 979,30 Description: Three tumuli and one paved platform. Finds: No material culture found. Site typology: Tumuli, platform.


Coordinates: 122.5/977.8 Description: Courtyard structure (BAC). Periods MC: BAC?.


Coordinates: 122.6/977.7 Description: Remains of an oval structure and agricultural terracing.


Coordinates: 122.8/977.8 Description: Hut floors (PAL) on a hill.


Coordinates: 123.3/979.4 Description: Agricultural terracing on 2 small areas of the wadi and remains of a nomadic encampment.


Coordinates: 120.3/979.8 Description: Small shrine with 3 orthostats: were found oblique, now redressed.


Coordinates: 120.3/979.6 Description: Small Byzantine settlement with enclosures for animals and 5 living structures.


Coordinates: 120.2/979.6 Description: Enclosure for animals and basement of habitation structure on terrace of a small wadi.


Coordinates: 120.1/979.8 Description: 2 small shrines. Finds: Chalcolithic fan scrapers. Periods MC: BAC. Site typology: Shrine.


Coordinates: 128.6/978.3 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing on 2 small sections of the wadi.


Coordinates: 128.8/978.9 Description: Circular stone enclosure.


Coordinates: 121.9/976.4 Description: Pebble drawing in which black and white stones were used. 1 drawing about 5 m. long has a larger center stone which has zoomorphical facial features. The second consists of 2 converging lines of black stones.


Coordinates: 122.2/976.7 Description: Several heaps of stones on a pass. At least 2 standing stones now lying prone.


Coordinates: 122.1/976.8 Description: Several tumuli on the slope of a hill, 1 much larger than the others with a standing stone on top and several encompassing it (fallen in situ). Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 122.4/976.6 Description: 2 stones; 1 standing; 1 horizontal (as a table). Behind, an anthropomorphic stone and an oval structure (2 m. x 3 m.).


Coordinates: 122.4/976.4 Description: Remains of a nomadic camp. Finds: No material culture.


Coordinates: 122.5/976.6 Description: Agricultural terracing; the basement of a rectangular structure, connected to a circular one. 2 tumuli and several heaps of stones. On the northern slope, a small altar constructed with standing stones; nearby an anthropomorphic rock, an oval area consisting of 2 semicircles. Behind the altar, a small hollow stone was found which was removed for analysis (flint cult evidence). The site is likely to belong to RBY and has been reused in Islamic times. Finds: Pottery (ISL). Periods MC: ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 122.4/976.8 Description: Heaps of stones and 2 standing stones. Probably a burial place.


Coordinates: 124.8/976.0 Description: At the confluence of the Wadi Bereka and Wadi Karkom there is a graveyard on a terrace between the 2 wadis. Finds: Pottery (ISL), Flint (MP). Periods MC: ISL, MP.


Coordinates: 128.1/977.0 Description: Several heaps of stones and 2 groups of standing, flat pillars on top of the hill overlooking the entire area.


Coordinates: 128.3/976.9 Description: 3 standing stones on top of tumuli. A large tumulus with flat stones on top which may have been standing. Around are several heaps of stones.


Coordinates: 129.7/975.8 Description: Heaps of stones, perhaps a Bedouin cemetery.


Coordinates: 129.5/971.3 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment, 1 tumulus on top of a hill.


Coordinates: 124.7/974.1 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment. Finds: Pottery (ISL). Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 125.3/973.7 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing (relatively small).


Coordinates: 125.3/973.4 Description: Group of small standing stones and anthropomorphic stones, intentionally arranged.


Coordinates: 125.6/972.5 Description: Several tumuli of stones. Finds: Chopper (UP), Flint (MP), (UP) Periods MC: UP, MP.


Coordinates: 125.3/971.8 Finds: Sporadic flints (MP). Periods MC: MP.


Coordinates: 125.3/971.8 Description: ISL rock shelter with stone-built walls. Finds: Pottery (ISL). Periods MC: ISL.


Coordinates: 124.4/972.3 Description: Natural rock shelter built into the ground and built closing walls. Adjacent storage room or animal pen.


Coordinates: 124.2/979.9 Description: Natural rock shelter with remains of stone-built walls. Finds: Pottery (BYZ), (ISL); Flint (UP). Periods MC: RBY, ISL, UP.


Coordinates: 126.0/979.6 Description: A large tumulus surrounded by small tumuli with traces of fire. This site is located at the foot of the valley and it is possible to see the standing stones at the top of the surrounding hill ( perhaps Nabatean?) Finds: Pottery (RBY), (IA); Flint (UP-retouched).


Coordinates: 125.8/979.6 Description: Alignments of stones indicating an oval structure. Finds: Pottery (BYZ: some pieces without decoration, perhaps Nabatean). Periods MC: RBY.

Fig. 158a/b. Rock engraving called 'the eye that watches from the rock.' A large eye has seven lines arrayed from the bottom and seven from the top. (Site HK 36b; photo EA98: LVIII-5; drawing: HK Archive; WARA W06016, W06017).

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